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Social Media

Op-Ed: Musk says he’s suing the Anti-Defamation League for loss of revenue?

Social media has no right to promote hate in any form. Keep it civil.

Musk has repeatedly cited a desire for free speech as motivating his changes. — © AFP ALAIN JOCARD
Musk has repeatedly cited a desire for free speech as motivating his changes. — © AFP ALAIN JOCARD

Elon Musk says the Anti-Defamation League is scaring away advertisers. Ad revenue is down 60% and “destroying half the value of the company”. He plans to sue the ADL for defamation. This is based on ADL allegedly making statements that Twitter/X/whatever is promoting anti-Semitic hate speech.

As you’d expect social media is ablaze with rhetoric and self-contradictory babble. The ADL is “accused” of being a Jewish organization. It isn’t one. The ADL issued a statement outlining its position on the matter yesterday.  The ADL points out that anti-Semitism is on the rise, which it is, and calls on Musk to stop “engaging and elevating” anti-Semitic hate speech.

Many Twitter users and commentators have been saying since day one that allowing the previously banned hate speech would have exactly that effect on advertisers. 60% is a huge hit to revenue of $4 billion.

Let’s get down to the obvious:

These warnings were given to Twitter before ADL was any sort of presence in the mix.

ADL is doing what ADL does; calling out hate speech. Why would this surprise anyone?

Calling out hate speech isn’t illegal. In many countries hate speech is actually illegal.

Twitter/X/whatever could actually be considered to be providing a venue for hate speech in full knowledge of doing so. It’d be an interesting civil or statutory case.

Elon Musk has advocated relying on 'community notes' posted by users at X, formerly known as Twitter, to point out when information is false
Elon Musk has advocated relying on ‘community notes’ posted by users at X, formerly known as Twitter, to point out when information is false – Copyright AFP PATRICIA DE MELO MOREIRA

Advertisers don’t have to advertise, particularly in a hostile environment.

What about Jewish advertisers?

It’s not only Jews you’re annoying; you’re antagonizing their friends as well. Some of us are WASPs, and we definitely don’t like it.

Nobody in their right mind would consider anti-Semites a “market” for anything except their own product. These are the same Illuminati that think that Nazis dropping bombs on their great-grandparents was a good idea, remember.

To fix the problem:

Fire anyone who advised you to take these idiotic measures.

No drama in brand policy management. This is getting more than monotonous. You’re lucky Meta didn’t do a desktop-based version of Threads.

No off-the-cuff responses to anything. Vet every word.

Pay attention to the experts. This was always going to be a disaster.

Hire a professional PR shop-minding service. You’re in the most sensitive and irrational market in the world.

Reinstate the anti-nutcase bans. That can be done in minutes.

Do NOT sue ADL. You can’t win that one anyway.

Social media has no right to promote hate in any form. Keep it civil.


The opinions expressed in this Op-Ed are those of the author. They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of the Digital Journal or its members.

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Editor-at-Large based in Sydney, Australia.

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