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Catching up with actor Tyler Johnson: ‘My Favorite Girlfriend’ film

Actor Tyler Johnson chatted about his new romantic comedy “My Favorite Girlfriend,” which will be released on August 5 via Saban Films.

Tyler Johnson
Tyler Johnson. Photo Courtesy of Tyler Johnson
Tyler Johnson. Photo Courtesy of Tyler Johnson

Actor Tyler Johnson chatted about his new romantic comedy “My Favorite Girlfriend,” which will be released on August 5 via Saban Films.

“The important thing in life is not victory but combat; it is not to have vanquished but to have fought well,” said French educator and historian Pierre de Coubertin. Tyler Johnson is such an actor and individual.

“I have such deep respect and humility for every job that I get so I do my absolute best to prepare for each role,” he said.

“My Favorite Girlfriend” is a sparkling, romantic comedy with a unique twist, starring Tyler Johnson (“Sons of Thunder”) and Bonnie Piesse (“Obi-Wan Kenobi”) from screenwriter and director Amanda Raymond. “Working with Bonnie was just incredible. She has boundaries, she is strong, and very vulnerable at the same thing and that’s a wonderful thing. Bonnie is so great,” he said.

“This movie was a dream come true,” Johnson said. “I have been waiting to play this role my entire life. I’ve played so many boyfriends and womanizers, so it was really nice to get an opportunity to step outside of my comfort zone.”

“I like playing flawed characters,” he admitted. “I loved being able to dive deep into a disorder that affects one of my relatives. From a mental health standpoint, I love playing this role so that I can destigmatize these issues so that people can talk about them more.”

“This movie allowed me to step out of my aesthetic comfort zone,” he acknowledged. “Working with Keston John, who played my character’s best friend was great too. I love that man.”

“Honestly, I am grateful to be able to show my flaws,” he said. “That’s the greatest gift as an actor. In my opinion, the actors that stand out to me are the ones that are trying to be honest. For me, honesty is key.”

Synopsis of ‘My Favorite Girlfriend’

Things are complicated for the new couple Conrad and Molly. Conrad is a handsome, aspiring chef who leads a perfectly structured life. She’s a cute, bubbly social media influencer prone to spontaneity. The attraction is immediate for the mismatched duo and everything is going great until Southern charmer “Vanessa” shows up. Followed by bad-ass rocker “Silk”, and more.

The woman of Conrad’s dreams is actually several of them. Molly has multiple personalities which can switch in a heartbeat. Is he cheating on Molly if he has sex with “Silk?” And can he choose a favorite when he loves them all?

“This movie is so important right now because it’s fun, light, and an escape,” he said. “Life is very heavy and serious for a lot of people right now. The goal and the role of entertainment has always been to provide a little bit of a diversion, and I hope people get to do that on August 5th with ‘My Favorite Girlfriend’.”

“With this movie, I want the fans to know that they are enough just the way they are,” he said. “I want people to accept themselves and know that they are enough.”

‘Sons of Thunder’

In the TV series “Sons of Thunder,” he enjoyed playing the role of Logan. “That was cool,” he said. “Playing Logan was more in my technical wheelhouse. I had a lot of fun doing that.”

He complimented actress Charlene Amoia in “Sons of Thunder,” who played Sandy. “Charlene is amazing, she is extremely talented and it was an honor to work with her,” he said.

‘Across The Room’

He was proud to be a part of the short comedy film “Across The Room,” where he played Chance. It was directed by Mellinda Hensley and written by Matt Clifford. “That was fun,” he said. “I had no idea that was going to be what it was. It was a fever dream. We got together one evening and we filmed it. I have nothing but respect for Mellinda and Matt, and the cast was great too. That was a blast.”

“Honestly, this short film gave me the confidence that I can do comedy,” he added.

On the greatest lesson that the acting profession has taught him, he said, “You can’t hide from the things in your life, you can’t hide the camera, you can’t hide from yourself or the work. To do good work you have to be present and you have to be open.”

Aside from acting, he is also narrating books these days, which may be children’s books, as well as romance novels for authors that he knows. “Narrative books has been a fun aside because they have kept me occupied in a positive way,” he said.

He had great words about working with writer and director Jake Helgren, who was the showrunner of “Psycho Stripper.” “I love Jake,” he admitted. “He is a great director, and for me, ‘Psycho Stripper’ was a seminal moment.”

Johnson also had incredible things to say about fellow actor Donny Boaz. “Donny is great. He is a man that lives out loud, and a man who is abashedly him. He is himself and you have to admire that about him. Donny is in touch with something deeper there, and that is critical for the work. I have nothing but great respect for him,” he said.

If he were to have any superpower, it would be “super strength.” “I want to be a steadfast ally for people, that’s what I aspire to be,” he said.

On the title of the current chapter of his life, he said, “Ecce homo.” “I am building myself now for the first time consciously,” he said. “I am having to take a look from the ground up at who I am. I want to live an intentional life and be the man that I want to be.”

If he were to write, direct, and produce his own short film, he noted that it would be on “bigotry.” “I’m fascinated by the way which large minds can become so small, and I have some theories about how it can happen. Fear is one of them, and ignorance comes from fear, and the interplay between the two,” he said.

Johnson shared that he loves his new management team helmed by Chuck Binder.

On his definition of success, Johnson said, “I want to tell honest stories, I want to be an honest steward of the human condition. For me, it’s about connecting with people to understand that you can be flawed but your inner world is your own, and that’s a beautiful thing.”

To learn more about actor Tyler Johnson, follow him on Instagram.

Markos Papadatos
Written By

Markos Papadatos is Digital Journal's Editor-at-Large for Music News. Papadatos is a Greek-American journalist and educator that has authored over 19,900 original articles over the past 16 years. He has interviewed some of the biggest names in music, entertainment, lifestyle, magic, and sports. He is a seven-time consecutive "Best of Long Island" winner, and in the past three years, he was honored as the "Best Long Island Personality" in Arts & Entertainment, an honor that has gone to Billy Joel six times.

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