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Op-Ed: Anonymous vs jihadi terror? Anonymous declares war

The Anonymous broadcast on YouTube is unequivocal. The French language “Message pour al quaida, l’état islamique et les autres terroristes !” (Message for Al Qaeda, Islamic State and other terrorists) includes some very emotional images.
The English version voice anonymizer is a bit thicker than usual, unusually verbose, grammatically scattered and has an American accent, but they say they will attack jihadi sites on Twitter, Facebook and elsewhere.
Anonymous is a plausible counter, an impossible target for jihadi methods, and technically capable of doing enormous damage to the terrorist online presence. Suicide bombers can’t hit computer code.
The question is why the West’s fearless security “assets” haven’t been exploring this avenue of attack themselves. They should have been attacking the online terror content around the clock and they haven’t been doing anything of the kind. Perhaps there’s something in the rumour that terrorism is just another industry, with corpses as “commodities”?
(Like many criminal groups, terror URLs can be accessed using special codes. This method is so well known it’s impossible to believe it hasn’t been cracked. Either the security agencies are prepared to risk the damage of these sites being accessible to listen to chatter or they’re as insane as most people think they are. )
ISIL isn’t particularly technically advanced, despite its media image. Its media presence is predictable. This is a monoculture of hatred, slavishly repeating the same things, over and over again. Like Al Qaeda, the bloodstained old message of ancient hatreds and insularity oozes from the slaughter yard they’ve made of the Middle East.
Shutting down terrorist sites and media will also at least do something to free the ME of its madness. As an Australian Muslim pointed out recently, 99% of the victims of terror are Muslims. This has been going on for decades, and the Middle East is now more like hell than Earth.
As long as a few fools with guns can start a war whenever they feel like it, there will be no peace.
The options are simple:
1. End the madness. Decades of maniacal “religion” have achieved nothing. All it’s done is make contractors, mercenaries and political fat cats rich.
2. Return to World War Two values, cut off and isolate any country with terrorist groups and simply smash whole countries to rubble. The Middle East could become one big Afghanistan/Chechnya, with no hope and no future.
One way leads to peace. The other leads to yet another decade of mass graves for yet another generation. Some choice.
Anonymous may find at least part of the solution – Shut down these demented divas online, and break the cycle. It’s worth a try.
Just one more thing, apt enough: On les aura!

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Editor-at-Large based in Sydney, Australia.

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